I am wildly overdue for a new blog post! Between working, preparing the house for sale, selling all of our stuff, and spending way too much time setting up my new blog and all of its related social media, time is getting away. So here is a quick update on our impending move to Central America!
New blog: For those of you who followed me before, you’ll notice that Peace, Love, and Veggie Burgers has become Nomadic Nikki! A new name, a new design (with more changes still to come). Now that we’ve made this huge change in our lives, my focus has changed, and I thought that this better reflected where I’m at in life and what I’m focused on. For those who have been with me from the start, thanks for coming along with me through the changes, and for those of you that are new, thanks for coming! I really appreciate everyone’s support.
Work: I put in my notice at my current job! My last day is April 29th. (Eek!) Once we move and get settled in, I will be a freelance writer. (So, if you have any leads, let me know. 🙂 )
Selling the house: The house is currently in the middle of a remodel in preparation for sale. New kitchen, new bathroom, finishing up the hardwood floor installation, new paint, new trim…The list goes on and on and on. The current plan is to have it on the market in either February or March.
Moving timeline: Assuming the sale of our house goes quickly and smoothly (which I fully expect it to, as Denver is a hot market right now), we will probably be heading out of the country in early May. No airline tickets yet, but we will be buying them soon! It’s gettin’ real, people!!!
Where we’re going to land: We were originally looking at Panama or Costa Rica, but now we’re thinking that we will probably start our journey in Nicaragua and then move south from there. We have been to Panama and Costa Rica before, but not to Nicaragua, so if you have any suggestions or advice, please let me know!
Selling our stuff: Okay, I’m slacking in this department. We have actually unloaded a fair bit of stuff, but in doing so, we’ve just realized how much junk we have! It’s crazy. I used to think that we were fairly streamlined about our stuff, but now that it’s come time to clear it out, it is eye-opening. On a very positive note, my husband Brian had a huge art sale and sold a lot of his artwork. It was really touching to see our friends, family, and Brian’s collectors come out and support him. (If you’re not familiar with his work, check it out on his website at http://brianwallfineart.com and his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/BrianWallArt!)

There is lots more to tell, but that’s the quick summary! I may be a little slow on updates for the next month or so, but I am sharing fun stuff on my various social media accounts, so make sure to follow me there!
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nomadicnikki
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nomadicnikki
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/nomadicnikki
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/NomadicNikki
- Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Nomadicnikki
Thank you again to everyone for your support, both with my blog, all of my social media, and with everything related to our move. I am humbled by the outpouring of love and support that we’ve had from our family and friends, as well as new online friends and fellow travelers. Thank you so much!
February 5, 2016Sound like you are going to have the time of your life with all the changes!! Good luck and keep us all updated.
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