So many Golden Retrievers!!!
Awesome festivals from around the world: The Lantern Festival, Cherry Blossom Festival, and…Golden Retriever Festival?

Looking for some new places to add to your travel bucket list?  If you’re a fan of festivals, has you covered with their list of 20+ of the Craziest Festivals Around the World.

Some of these festivals were already on my list, like the stunningly beautiful Yi Peng Lantern Festival in Thailand.

Yi Peng Lantern Festival in Thailand
Yi Peng Lantern Festival in Thailand – Photo from

But there are other ones that I’ve never heard of, ranging from the beautiful Cherry Blossom Lantern Festival in Japan to the delicious Mai Dulce Festival of Traditional Desserts in Moldova to the downright funny Golden Retriever Festival in Scotland.  (Because who doesn’t want to go play with over 200 Golden Retrievers?)

So many Golden Retrievers!!!
The Golden Retriever Festival in Scotland – Photo by Gordon Richardson

Personally, the Yi Peng Lantern Festival in Thailand is my favorite of these.  It takes place in northern Thailand, near Chiang Mai.  (When I make it there, I think a trip to an elephant sanctuary is a must.  But that’s a whole different post.)

How about you?  Which one is your favorite?  Or do you have another favorite that’s not on the list?  I’d love to hear your suggestions!

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